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- Climate and Ecology Bill
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- The Climate & Nature Bill campaign in a nutshell
- Videos
- Zero Hour
- Aren’t citizens’ assemblies undemocratic?
- Aren’t we ahead of other countries’ climate and nature targets?
- Britain has cut emissions by almost 50% since 1990, so aren’t we on track?
- Does the Bill reject Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) like Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)?
- Haven’t previous citizens assemblies around the world failed to deliver?
- How did the CAN Bill campaign begin?
- Isn’t the UK already addressing the climate crisis?
- Isn’t the UK already addressing the nature crisis?
- The UK is small compared to China, so does it really make any difference what we do?
- What are Natural Climate Solutions, and can they help?
- What is a Private Members’ Bill and why are we using one?
- What is causing climate breakdown?
- What is causing ecological breakdown?
- What is the climate & ecological emergency?
- What is the Climate & Nature Assembly mentioned in the Bill?
- What is the plan for the 2023 Parliamentary session?
- What is the role of hydrogen?
- What will the Climate and Nature Bill do?
- Where can I read the Climate and Nature Bill?
- Why is equity important when tackling climate change?
- “Joining this campaign was a natural choice for me”
- “We are all experts of our own experience”
- “I’m delighted that Labour supports the CAN Bill’s ambition & objectives!”
- +1,000 Candidates Signed the CEE Bill Pledge this Election
- 1,000+ scientists calls on MPs to prioritise the CAN Bill
- 100 MPs now back the CEE Bill
- 158 MPs back the CAN Bill: The Climate and Nature Election
- 2022 State Opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech
- Alliances & Unions
- Ambition Gap Report Parliamentary Launch
- An exciting week for the CAN Bill campaign!
- Ask your MP to attend the health and climate briefing
- Big News – The Climate & Nature Bill is heading to the Lords!
- Campaigner Stories – Getting local organisations to support climate and nature action.
- Can the CEE Bill save our Bees?
- Carbon footprinting with Carbon Savvy
- CEE Bill Adjournment Debate
- Championing the CAN Bill with the W.I
- Climate action and the Women’s Institutes
- Climate Assembly UK—where are we now?
- Climate Campaigners and Politicians Urge Prime Minister to Support Climate & Nature Bill with No. 10 Hand-In
- Climate Campaigners and Politicians Urge Prime Minister to Support the Climate and Nature Bill
- Climate Giants
- Climate Pledges vs Climate Policy
- Clint’s 365 day run-raiser for Zero Hour!
- Closing the Window on 1.5C
- Congratulations to the Ballot Bill Winners… Now It’s Time To Make History
- COP15: What needs to happen next?
- Creating a Nature-Rich UK: “a chance to thrive”
- Cross-party MPs champion the new Nature & Climate Declaration
- Daisy Barker – New CEE Bill Alliance Member
- Democracy on the streets of Glasgow
- Eco-anxiety: how the climate crisis is impacting mental health
- Ecology Bill reaches its final stage in the Lords
- Environment Bill Delayed, Again
- Environmental protection report makes for grim reading
- EU Nature Restoration Law: A step in the right direction
- Event: Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill – A Year Until COP26
- Fabulous Wild Ken Hill
- Faith groups, business and nature NGOs call for new nature target
- Feedback – Fighting for a Sustainable Food System
- Five years on from MP’s emergency declaration, the CAN Bill is our last, best chance of real climate and nature action
- Friday Sittings Are Back (But Not Really)
- Global Witness – Pushing for Accountability in Global Resource Exploitation
- Going for gold: Championing climate action in sport
- Graphenstone: Proud to be Part of the Circular Economy
- Green Christian Joins the CEE Bill Alliance
- Healing a broken world: The importance of youth voice in climate and nature campaigning
- Hope in Nell
- Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall stands #United for Nature
- It’s time to play the Wild Card
- Join the Fold, Get Crafting for Nature
- Judgement day for the net zero strategy
- Knepp Estate Joins the CEE Bill Alliance
- Labour and a just transition: “This is our opportunity to lead from the front”
- Labour delegates: Vote ‘Climate Change & Ecology’
- Let’s seize the chance to restore nature at COP15
- Letters From the Global South exhibition & workshop
- Lord Redesdale: We must aim higher to reverse nature’s destruction
- Making the case for the CAN Bill in the Lords
- Mayor Sadiq Khan is backing the Climate & Nature Bill!
- Meeting your MP
- Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change – Natural Flood Management
- Moray Council Backs the CAN Bill
- Nature Bounces Back at Dittiscombe Estate
- Nature loss: We’re drawing our line in the sand
- Nature Positive Future in Wales: Is Westminster going to follow?
- Nature to the Rescue?
- Net Zero: The Ambition Gap – in Parliament
- New First Minister pledges to “better” Scotland’s green targets
- North Shropshire by-election candidates are backing the CEE Bill!
- Operation Noah Back the CEE Bill
- Out on Toad Patrol with one of our Non-Executive Directors, Sarah Armstrong
- Parliament returns and we look ahead to COP26
- Penzance pulls together, promising real climate action
- Playing with fire: How polarisation inhibits climate action
- Reclaiming the ‘Conservation’ in Conservative
- Reporting on the Environment Bill
- Restore Nature Now – Join us on 22nd June!
- School Food Matters
- Seacourt – Planet Positive Printing
- Slowly but surely, success in Shropshire
- St. Ives MP, Derek Thomas, meets with Climate & Nature Bill Campaigners on Earth Day 2022
- State of Nature Report: A call for bold action
- Success in St Ives: Derek Thomas MP backs the Climate & Nature Bill
- Sussex Green Living: Another New Alliance Member
- Tackling the climate-nature crisis: Achieving Labour’s joined-up plan
- Tackling the nature-climate crisis
- The Beginning of the End of the Fossil Fuel Era?
- The big day – CAN Bill back in the Commons!
- The CEE Bill (Second!) Second Reading
- The CEE Bill in the House of Lords
- The CEE Bill is back!
- The CEE Bill must step into the space left by COP26
- The CEE Bill Second Reading
- The Climate and Nature Election: We’re ready!
- The Climate Crisis is a Health Crisis!
- The IPCC 2022 Report: What are the main findings?
- The London Assembly calls on Mayor Khan to back the CEE Bill
- Three COP Outcomes We Can’t Live Without
- To get nature working, we need to work for nature.
- We CAN efficiently transition into a more sustainable future for future generations.
- We CAN fix this! How the Climate and Nature Bill will restore our waterways
- We need an environmental rethink, not a “net zero reset”
- We’re calling for a plan to reverse nature’s decline (not just halt biodiversity loss)
- We’re standing United For Nature!
- We’re retabling the CEE Bill – Get ready!
- Welcome to our new Non-Executive Directors
- Welcome to The Climate Coalition!
- What has nature ever done for us?
- What you won’t see in the Budget today
- What’s happening with the CEE Bill between Parliaments?
- Why is the Private Members’ Bill Ballot crucial for the CAN Bill?
- Why we’re standing #United For Nature
- Why we’re working to improve the Environment Bill
- With news that 2023 exceeded 1.5°C, is time up for the Paris Agreement?
- World Wildlife Day 2022
- Wyre Forest campaigners are building pressure on Mark Garnier to back the CAN Bill
- Yes we CAN! Alex Sobel MP leads a cross party effort to introduce the newly-named Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill
- Young campaigners call on the Lords: “Give us a liveable future!”
- Zero Hour calls for action from the next First Minister of Scotland
- Zero Hour hosts parliamentary reception on COP15
- Zero Hour statement on UK gov plans for new oil and gas licences.
- Zero Hour’s Ambition Gap report
- Zero Hour’s response to the Net Zero Review report
- Zero Hour’s take on the new Environmental Improvement Plan