
A collection of short videos explaining the urgent need for the UK to pass the Climate & Nature Bill. Feel free to download the videos for sharing on social media. Please credit Zero Hour when you share on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Climate impacts won't reverse

Even once we eliminate emissions, climate impacts won’t reverse. That is why it is so important to take serious and determined action right now.

If sharing, on twitter, please tag the narrator & CAN Bill Ambassador, Dr George McGavin: @georgecmcgavin.

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Restore nature

‘Halting the decline’ is not enough. We need to act now to restore nature.

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Why we need the CAN Bill, and how councils can help

The Environment Act is not the answer. It doesn’t even mention carbon dioxide. We need a joined up bill that tackles climate and nature together. But first, the country needs to show politicians it wants this bill to be passed. Check out our guide for getting your local council on board.

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Why net zero dates are misleading

It’s not when we reach net zero that matters – it’s the path we take.

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Urgent Appeal
The first 100 Days are vital! Help us make sure Climate and Nature are on the new UK Gov's agenda, chip in today
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