17,906 others have signed our nature petition, will you take action today?

“I’m calling on the Government to reverse nature’s decline by 2030. We need everyone to sign this petition to make this Rishi Sunak’s top priority.

Our countryside and beloved species are in danger. The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world and, shockingly, we don’t have the laws in place to reverse this trend.

We need a new, strong, legally-binding nature target to ensure that we restore the natural world we all love. It’s time to stand United for Nature—but I need your help.”

Dr Mya-Rose Craig
Birder and environmental activist


Join Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Dr Mya-Rose Craig, and 17,906 others and sign our nature petition, calling on the Prime Minister to set a legally-binding target to reverse nature loss by 2030.



  • Click to read the petition to Rishi Sunak

    Dear Prime Minister,

    As you said at COP27, there’s no solution to climate change without restoring nature. You’re right—and our beloved British countryside needs your help. Far from being a green and pleasant land, the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth, placing our future prosperity, food security and net zero plans in jeopardy.

    We are very disappointed to learn that the Government’s new environment targets, published on 16 December, will not be strong enough to restore nature or protect us from climate change. These targets could mean that—by 2042—British wildlife could be in a worse state than it is today.

    We must protect the abundance, diversity and distribution of animal, plant, fungal and microbial life—as well as the size, health and integrity of habitats and ecosystems. As your nature advisors have said, we need to update our laws so that nature is visibly and measurably on the pathway to recovery by 2030.

    We know that the Government has high hopes for nature’s restoration. You’re calling for urgent investment in solutions to halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity by 2030. The Environment Secretary, Thérèse Coffey MP, wants to see the decline in species populations not only halted, but reversed. And a group of 2,000 politicians—including Conservatives from across the nations—have signed the Nature and Climate Declaration, calling on you to reverse biodiversity decline by 2030.

    We ask you to put into action these intentions and seize this last, best chance to be a world leader for nature. You can do this by locking the UK’s nature positive ambition—which the Government championed at a global level at CBD COP15—into national legislation.

    Will you set a legally-binding target to reverse nature loss by 2030, against a 2020 baseline?

This campaign has ended, thank you for your support, please see the latest actions you can take →

Take Action

Supported by organisations including:

The Wildlife Trusts
British Ecological Society

United for Nature Petition

Zero Hour has launched a new United for Nature petition with birder and activist, Dr Mya-Rose Craig. The petition calls on the Prime Minister to set a legally-binding target to reverse nature loss by 2030 (against a 2020 baseline). In light of the delayed publication of the Environment Act targets—and ahead of CBD COP15—Zero Hour believes that we have a window of opportunity to act, and we might just win! At the UN biodiversity summit COP15, the UK Government is championing a global goal for the world to be nature positive by 2030, and we’re arguing that the UK can only be world leading by locking this same ambition into legislation at home.

Therefore, while we are asking the public and civil society to sign up to the United for Nature petition, last Friday Lord Redesdale used the Climate and Nature Bill’s committee stage as an opportunity to draw national attention to the nature target within the Bill. Lord Redesdale has amended the Bill down to its nature clauses—a new Ecology Bill—which is viewable here. If made law, passing the Nature Target through the Ecology Bill would be an important first step towards seeing the full Climate and Nature Bill enshrined in law. And while we focus on the nature target in the Lords, in the meantime, we will also reintroduce the full Climate and Nature Bill in the Commons at the end of the year or at the beginning of 2023.

This nature target focus, while shining a light on the often under-represented half of the climate-nature emergency, will (as ever in Zero Hour’s work) provide an opportunity to promote the interconnectedness of the crises—and the urgency of restoring nature in order to mitigate and adapt to the worst impacts of the climate emergency.

United for Nature Petition
  • What is Zero Hour’s United For Nature campaign seeking to achieve?

    Zero Hour has launched a campaign, United For Nature, to put pressure on the UK Government to publish and achieve a (new, holistic and science-driven) nature target.

    The nature target is the same target from the Climate & Ecology Bill, which remains Zero Hour’s core focus. It would require the UK Government to both halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 (against a 2020 baseline).

    As part of building support for the target, and to apply pressure on the Government to enact it, Zero Hour has launched an e-petition to grow public support. The e-petition is directed at the Prime Minister, and is being championed by Dr Mya-Rose Craig. Please click here to promote it on Twitter.

    In the UK Parliament, where the Climate & Ecology Bill is currently before the House of Lords, its sponsor, Lord Redesdale, amended the bill during its committee stage on 18 November to focus solely on the nature target. This amended version of the bill is now referred to as the Ecology Bill.

    While Zero Hour focuses on the nature target through the Ecology Bill in the House of Lords, the full Climate and Nature Bill will be introduced again in the House of Commons.

  • What is the Ecology Bill?

    Having successfully amended the bill at committee stage—where it was supported by Baroness Blake (on behalf of the Labour Frontbench), Lord Randall (Con), Baroness Hooper (Con) and Lord Green (Crossbench)—the bill before the House of Lords is now the Ecology Bill.

    Its refined focus allows Lord Redesdale, and other supporting Peers, to work together in pressuring Ministers to adopt one specific, particular issue—its nature target. Lord Redesdale’s hope, as he explained at committee stage—and as he outlined in an article for PoliticsHome—is that this singular focus is beneficial for this type of private members’ bill.

    Focusing on one issue—the need for a 2030 nature loss reversal target—gives Lord Redesdale a higher chance of success at this point in time, and would be an important first step towards seeing the full Climate and Nature Bill enshrined in law.

  • So why pursue the Ecology Bill now?

    Given the delay in the publication of the environmental targets required by the Environment Act 2021, and ahead of the UN CBD COP15 (biodiversity) summit in December, this is an opportune moment to seek to persuade Ministers to incorporate the Ecology Bill’s nature target into UK law.

    The 2030 target proposed by the Ecology Bill has the same ambition as stated by the UK Government across dozens of policy documents—and is the same ambition being pursued by Ministers ahead of COP15. Lord Redesdale’s committee stage briefing for Peers explains this in more detail.

    This nature target focus, while shining a light on the often underrepresented half of the climate-nature emergency, will (as ever in Zero Hour’s work) provide an opportunity to promote the interconnectedness of the crises—and the urgency of restoring nature in order to mitigate and adapt to the worst impacts of the climate emergency.

  • Don’t we already have targets in the Environment Act 2021?

    In answer to a recent parliamentary question (BEIS Minister) Lord Callanan said that: “the Environment Act 2021 commits the Government to halting the decline in species in England by 2030, in addition to setting at least one long term target for biodiversity.”

    However, NGOs have warned that with these targets, the UK wildlife could actually be in a worse state than it is now by 2042. We therefore need to ensure that we don’t just ‘halt’ but that we bend the curve—’reverse’ loss—and see nature actively in recovery. This means not just species, but habitats and ecosystems.

    Our target is in line with the UK Government’s COP15 ambition for a ‘nature positive’ future. It would ensure that the UK halts and reverses its overall contribution to the degradation and loss of nature in the UK and overseas—by increasing the health, abundance, diversity and resilience of species, populations, habitats and ecosystems—so that by 2030, and measured against a baseline of 2020, nature is visibly and measurably on the path of recovery.

    The definition of ‘nature’ in the bill is the abundance, diversity and distribution of animal, plant, fungal and microbial life, the extent and condition of habitats, and the health and integrity of ecosystems. Top UK scientists and experts have advised Zero Hour on the definitions above, including Professor EJ Milner-Gulland (Oxford University).

  • Why is this important?

    The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. We need Earth’s interconnected natural support systems: atmosphere, oceans, freshwater systems, land, soils and biodiversity. These vital systems provide our food, air, clean water and shelter. They also regulate the climate.

    If we don’t protect nature, scientists have mapped critical ecosystems containing irrecoverable stocks of carbon, most of which is stored in mangroves, peatlands, old-growth forests and marshes across the world, including the UK’s peatlands. If these ecosystems are allowed to reach tipping points they will release enormous amounts of carbon, risking irreversible climate breakdown.

    COP27 recognised that we can’t solve the climate crisis without saving nature. Nature provides our best chance of mitigating climate change and its worst impacts, such as flooding and drought. Protecting ecosystems that regulate climate or contain critical carbon stores such as ice sheets, forests, peatlands, wetlands and the ocean, must take equal priority with cutting emissions. These areas are also some of the richest remaining areas of biodiversity.

  • What happens after COP15?

    Zero Hour supports Lord Redesdale’s efforts to use his opportunity of advancing the (now amended) Ecology Bill to pressure the Government into action ahead of, during, and after COP15.

    Having successfully passed its committee stage hurdle, the Ecology Bill will now pass through its remaining stages in the House of Lords, before being passed to the House of Commons; where (Con) Sir Roger Gale MP has offered to ‘pick it up’.

    Zero Hour will be seeking to persuade all MPs to support the bill at this point, as part of making the case to the UK Government that the bill should be allocated time to proceed through its stages in the House of Commons.

  • What does this mean for the Climate & Nature Bill campaign?

    Zero Hour’s primary work and focus is to persuade all UK Parliamentarians and political parties to back the Climate & Ecology Bill. The United For Nature (i.e. Ecology Bill) campaign will directly support these efforts.

    We will continue to attract support from politicians, scientists, organisations and members of the public to the campaign for a joined-up, science-led and people-powered strategy to restore nature and reduce UK emissions in line with Britain’s fair share of the remaining global carbon budget for 1.5°C.

    This has and will remain our focus in the months ahead. With the help, support and encouragement of Zero Hour’s brilliant campaigners, allies and champions in and out of Westminster, we’re keeping the climate and ecological emergency at the top of the political agenda—and we’ll do everything we can to keep it there.

  • Where is the status of the Climate & Nature Bill?

    In the House of Commons, the Climate and Nature Bill has been presented twice by Caroline Lucas MP. First, in the 2019-21 session, and later, in the 2021-22 session—each time with support from MPs from across the House. We remain extremely grateful to Caroline, and to all supporting MPs, for their determination to advance the campaign.

    In the current 2022-23 session—whilst Lord Redesdale pursues the bill’s nature target in the House of Lords—the full, joined-up Climate & Ecology Bill will also be introduced in the House of Commons.

    This introduction, with support from MPs from all major parties, is expected to take place before 2023. It is as part of working to ensure that the maximum number of MPs are persuaded to support the bill—and that a commitment to introduce a Climate & Ecology Bill is included in every major party’s manifesto.

  • What’s in a name?

    In the UK Parliament, the bill has always been known as the Climate & Ecology Bill. Publicly, between 2019-2021, Zero Hour was known as the CEE Bill Alliance, and referred to the bill as the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill.

    We are living in an environmental emergency, and this guides the urgency of our work, but for consistency and clarity—since 2022—we have referred to the bill’s formal and parliamentary title, the Climate & Ecology Bill, and campaigned under the banner of Zero Hour.

    Our new video explaining why ‘halting the decline’ is not enough. We need to act now to restore nature. If you are on twitter, please retweet to share this video here.

The Climate and Nature Bill needs your help! If you can, please, help us deliver a CAN Act, chip in today
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