Restore Nature Now – Join us on 22nd June!

We are inviting YOU to join Zero Hour at the Restore Nature Now march on 22nd June in Central London.

Restore Nature Now is a collective call for urgent action to reverse nature’s destruction before it’s too late. The march will be made up of 150+ nature and climate organisations including Zero Hour and our allies, The Wildlife Trusts, CPRE, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth and well-known campaigners (including CAN Bill supporter) Chris Packham.

Will you join the Zero Hour flank? Come and march with other CAN Bill campaigners, supporting scientists, business leaders and others from across the UK (and we’ll have a ZH social at the end of the day)!

Join our WhatsApp group (if you’re not on WA, let us know you’re coming by emailing [email protected])

Grab a placard, don an animal costume—or just turn up as you are! 

We want to maximise participation at this critical peaceful march in London to send a clear message to politicians that we need action to reverse nature loss now.

Empty promises won’t do—it’s time for concrete policy commitments to protect our life-giving natural environment for current and future generations. 

More details

When – 22nd June 11 am

Where – Starting in Park Lane, W1K, London, the full march route follows Piccadilly before turning toward Trafalgar Square and heading down Whitehall to conclude at Parliament Square.

See the route –

Pledge to march –

Join us on social