Thank you to the 1,240 scientists and medics who signed the CAN Bill letter. We are in the process of updating this page to include all of our supporting scientists.

Prof Dame EJ Milner-Gulland DBE
Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity, and Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science
University of Oxford

Prof Sir Venki Ramakrishnan OM PRS
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry; Structural Biologist
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta GBE FRS FBA
Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics
University of Cambridge

Prof Nathalie Pettorelli
Senior Research Fellow, Conservation Biology
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London

Prof Sir David King FRS
Founder and Former Chair, Centre for Climate Repair
University of Cambridge

Prof Joanna Haigh CBE FRS
former President of the Royal Meteorological Society

Prof Sir John Lawton CBE FRS
Former Chief Executive of the Natural Environment Research Council

Prof Emily Shuckburgh OBE
Director of Cambridge Zero; Professor of Environmental Data Science
University of Cambridge

Liz Bonnin
Biochemist, Wild Animal Biologist, and Broadcaster

Dr George McGavin FLS FRGS
Zero Hour Ambassador, entomologist, author, TV presenter and explorer
University of Oxford

Prof Tim Jackson
Ecological Economist, Write, and Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
University of Surrey

Prof Kevin Anderson
Energy and Climate Change
Universities of Manchester, Uppsala and Bergen

Prof John Barrett OBE
Energy and Climate Policy, and IPPC lead author
University of Leeds

Prof Andrew Watson
Head of Marine and Atmospheric Science, and Royal Society Research Professor
University of Exeter

Prof Yadvinder Malhi
Ecosystem Science, and Senior Research Fellow
University of Oxford

Prof Tim Lenton
Chair in Climate Change and Earth System Science
University of Exeter

Prof Rich Pancost
Earth System scientist, and Founder and Director of the Cabot Institute
University of Bristol

Prof Julia Steinberger
Ecological Economics, and IPCC lead author
University of Lausanne

Prof Dave Goulson
Professor of Biology (Ecology and Evolution), Founder of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, and Ambassador of UK Wildlife Trusts
University of Sussex

Prof Hugh Montgomery
Chair of Intensive Care Medicine (Honorary Consultant)
University College London

Prof Amy Dickman
Wildlife Conservation, and Co-CEO of Lion Landscapes
University of Oxford

Prof Mike Berners-Lee
Researcher and Writer, Professor and Fellow of the Institute for Social Futures
Lancaster University

Prof Aimee Ambrose
Energy Policy
Sheffield Hallam University

Prof Richard Allan
Climate Science
University of Reading

Prof Bill McGuire
Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences, Science Writer and Broadcaster
University College London

Prof Paul Behrens
Author and British Academy Global Professor
University of Oxford

Dr Helen Czerski
Physicist, Oceanographer, and Broadcaster
University College London

Prof Dan Lunt
Climate Science, and IPCC lead author
University of Bristol

Dr Aaron Thierry
Post-graduate Researcher, Science Communicator and Environmental Campaigner
Cardiff University

Dr Abi Perrin
Molecular Biologist, Climate and Nature Communicator and Activist

Prof Adam Hart
Ecologist, Conservation Scientist, Entomologist, and Broadcaster
University of Gloucestershire

Prof Adrian Goldman
Chair of Membrane Biology
University of Leeds

Dr Alessandro Gimona
Landscape Ecologist
The James Hutton Institute

Prof Alex Ford
Professor of Biology, and Deputy Director of Centre for Blue Governance
University of Portsmouth

Dr Alex Gould FRS
Developmental Biologist and Principal Group Leader
Francis Crick Institute

Prof Alex Pigot
Principal Research Fellow, Genetics, Evolution and Environment
University College London

Dr Alexander Farnsworth
Meteorologist and Climatologist
University of Bristol

Dr Alexandria Andrayas
Senior Research Associate
University of Bristol

Dr Alison Green
Executive Director
Scientists Warning Foundation

Alison Smith
Senior Research Associate, Environmental Change Institute
University of Oxford

Prof Alistair Griffiths
RHS Director of Science and Collections
The Royal Horticultural Society

Dr Alister Scott
Director for Communications and Outreach, and Honorary Professor at UCL
Global Rewilding Alliance

Prof Ana Queirós
Marine and Climate Change Ecologist
Plymouth Marine Laboratory and University of Exeter

Dr Andrea Momblanch
Lecturer in Water Systems Modelling
Cranfield University

Prof Andrea Sella
University College London

Dr Andrew Harmer
Senior Lecturer in Global Health Policy
Queen Mary University of London

Prof Andrew Pullin
Emeritus Professor and Founder & CEO of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence
Bangor University

Prof Andrew (Jamie) Wood
Mathematical Modelling
University of York

Prof Andy Challinor
Climate Impacts, lead of The Climate Impacts group, and IPPC lead author
University of Leeds

Dr Anna Albecka-Moreau
Molecular Biology and Virology
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge

Dr Anna Pigott
Lecturer in Human Geography, and Writer
Swansea University

Prof Annette Broderick
Marine Conservation
University of Exeter

Dr Anusha Seneviratne
Lecturer in Health Studies
Royal Holloway, University of London

Dr Barry Yates
Wetland Trust UK
Prof Begüm Tokay
Chemical Engineering
University of Nottingham

Dr Ben Maybee
Research Fellow in Land Impacts on Mesoscale Convective Systems
University of Leeds

Dr Benjamin Buse
Research Associate and Climate Activist
University of Bristol

Prof Benjamin Sovacool
Energy Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)
University of Sussex

Prof Bob Rees
Agriculture and Climate Change

Prof Brian Huntley
Emeritus Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Durham University

Dr Carla Washbourne
Associate Professor, STEaPP
University College London

Dr Carol Mahoney
Senior Technician
Northumbria University

Dr Carol Sparling
Director of the Sea Mammal Research Unit
University of St Andrews

Dr Caroline Howe
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Social Science, and Lead Author IPBES Nexus Assessment
Imperial College London

Dr Charlie Gardner
Interdisciplinary Researcher, Conservationist and Activist
DICE, University of Kent

Dr Chloe Sutcliffe
RHS Research Fellow in Sustainable Horticulture
Royal Horticultural Society

Dr Chris Brierley
Climate Science
University College London

Prof Chris Jiggins
Adaption and Speciation (Lepidoptera)
University of Cambridge

Prof Chris Loynes
Emeritus Professor of Human Nature Relations
University of Cumbria

Prof Chris Rapley CBE
Climate Science, and Chair of the European Space Sciences Committee
University College London

Prof Christopher Dye
Biologist, Epidemiologist, and Public Health specialist
University of Oxford

Dr Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury
Community Ecologist and Senior Lecturer in Conservation Biology
University of Exeter

Prof Christopher Merchant
Ocean and Earth Observation
University of Reading

Dr Claire Garnett
Research Fellow, School of Psychological Science
University of Bristol

Prof Claire Grierson
Plant and Agricultural Sciences
University of Bristol

Prof Clare Turnbull
Translational Cancer Genetics
Institute of Cancer Research

Prof Colin Beale
Professor of Ecology
University of York

Prof Colin Davis
Cognitive Psychology
University of Bristol

Dr Daniel Moore
Lecturer in Marine Biology
University of Exeter

Prof Dann Mitchell
Climate Science
University of Bristol

Prof Dave Reay
Climate Change Scientist, Author, and Professor of Carbon Management and Education
University of Edinburgh

Dr David Barnes
Marine Ecologist and Data Interpretation Ecologist
British Antarctic Survey

Dr David Barns
Interdisciplinary Social Scientist and Policy Specialist
University of Leeds

Prof David Bilton
Aquatic Biology
University of Plymouth

Dr David Bowen
Chemist and Information Scientist

Prof David Burslem
Director - Interdisciplinary Centre for Environment and Biodiversity
University of Aberdeen

Prof David Curtis MD PhD FRCPsych
Honorary Professor, UCL Genetics Institute
University College London

Prof David Edwards
Professor of Plant Ecology, and Head of Tropical Ecology and Conservation
University of Cambridge

Prof David Humphreys
Environmental Policy
The Open University

Dr David Roberts
Biodiversity Conservation
DICE, University of Kent

Prof David Stevenson
Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling
University of Edinburgh

Prof Debbie Bartlett
Professor of Environmental Conservation, and Chartered Landscape Architect
University of Greenwich

Dr Declan Finney
Post-doctoral Researcher, Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, and the National Centre for Atmospheric Science
University of Leeds

Prof Diana Bell
Conservation Biology
University of East Anglia

Dr Diana Ivanova
Research Fellow, Sustainability Research Institute
University of Leeds

Dr Eleanor Chiari
Associate Professor (Teaching), School of European Languages, Cultures and Society
University College London

Dr Elia Valentini
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
University of Essex

Dr Elinor P Thompson FRSB
Reader in Microbiology and Plant Science
University of Greenwich

Dr Elisabeth Larsen
Ecosystem Services Fellow
Royal Horticultural Society

Dr Elizabeth Boakes
Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
University College London

Dr Elizabeth Sawyer
Lecturer in Life Sciences
University of Westminster

Dr Emily Grossman
Molecular Biologist, Author, Broadcaster and Activist

Dr Emma E Garnett
Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
University of Oxford

Prof Eric Holub
Plant Genetics
University of Warwick

Dr Esther K. Papies
Researcher in Behaviour Change, and member of the Climate Psychology Alliance
University of Glasgow

Dr Giorgio Graffino
Research Scientist, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
University of Reading

Dr Graham Mann
Lecturer in Atmospheric Science
University of Leeds

Dr Grant Forster
Research Fellow, and Deputy Head of the Atmospheric Measurement and Observation Facility
University of East Anglia and National Centre for Atmospheric Science

Dr Gwilym Rowlands
Earth Observation Scientist
University of Oxford

Dr Gyen Ming Angel
Renewable Energy Technology

Prof Hannah Cloke
Hydrologist, and Co-Director of Water@Reading group
University of Reading

Prof Hannah Knox
University College London

Prof Harriet Bulkeley
Environmental Governance
Durham University and Utrecht University

Dr Harriet Thew
Lecturer in Climate Change
University of Leeds

Prof Hayley Fowler
Climate Change Impacts
Newcastle University

Dr Hazel Jackson
Head of Conservation Outcomes and Evidence
The Woodland Trust

Prof Helen Chatterjee
Professor of Human & Ecological Health
University College London

Dr Hollie Booth
Applied Researcher, Conservation Practitioner, and Strategic Director of Nature Strategies
The Biodiversity Consultancy

Prof Ian Brooks
Boundary Layer Processes
University of Leeds

Prof Ian J Bateman OBE
Professor of Environmental Economics, and Co-Director of the Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP)
University of Exeter

Dr Iftekhar Ahmed
Assistant Professor in Sustainable Finance
Newcastle University

Dr Izzy Bishop
Genetics, Evolution and Environment
University College London

Prof James Bullock
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Dr James Dyke
Earth Systems Scientist and Author
University of Exeter

Prof James Mcinerney
Chair in Evolutionary Biology, and Associate Editor of Molecular Biology and Evolution and the Journal of Experimental Zoology
University of Nottingham

Prof Jamie Woodward
Physical Geography
University of Manchester

Dr Jan Janouskovec
Lecturer in Ecology
University of Southampton

Prof Jane Hill
Research Champion for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience
University of York

Jane Ripley BSc
Water Pollution Scientist and Science Lecturer
East Sussex College

Prof Jeff Ollerton
Ecological Scientist and Author
Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Northampton

Prof Jeff Waage
Ecologist and Professor of International Development
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Jefim Vogel
Ecological Economics, Sustainability Research Institute
University of Leeds

Dr Jenna Lawson
Research Associate, Bioacoustics and Aeronautics
Imperial College London

Dr Jennifer Lord
Lecturer in Vector-Borne Disease Ecology
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Prof Jim Harris
Chair in Environmental Technology
Cranfield University

Dr Jim McQuaid
Associate Professor of Atmospheric Composition
University of Leeds

Prof Joanne Preston
Marine Ecology and Evolution
Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Portsmouth

Prof John Guillebaud
Emeritus Professor of Family Planning and Reproductive Health
University College London

Prof John Marsham
Professor of Atmospheric Science, and Met Office Joint Chair
University of Leeds

Dr Jonathan Townson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Bioscience
University of Oslo

Dr Joni Cook
Plant Ecologist, and MECS Communications Officer
Loughborough University

Dr Jorgelina Marino
Conservation Ecologist and Research Fellow
University of Oxford

Dr Joseph Bull
Associate Professor in Climate Change Biology
DICE, University of Kent

Prof Julienne Stroeve
Polar Observation & Modelling
University College London

Dr Karen Murrell
Principal Consultant
Water Research Centre

Prof Kate Jeffery
Behavioural Neuroscience
University College London and University of Glasgow

Prof Keith Somerville
Honorary Professor, Centre for Journalism
University of Kent

Dr Kelvin Peh
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences
University of Southampton

Dr Kim Sharp
Postdoctoral Researcher in Genomics
University of Oxford

Dr Kimberley Hockings
Senior Lecturer in Conservation Science
University of Exeter

Dr Kristian Metcalfe
Conservation Scientist and Senior Lecturer in Marine Conservation Science
University of Exeter

Prof Kirsty Park
Conservation Scientist and Head of Biological & Enviromental Sciences
University of Stirling

Dr Lars Boehme
Associate Professor, Sea Mammal Research Unit
University of St Andrews

Laura Warmuth
NERC Environmental Research
University of Oxford

Dr Laurence Couldrick
Westcountry Rivers Trust

Dr Lauriane Chalmin-Pui
Wellbeing Fellow
Royal Horticultural Society

Dr Lex Kraaijeveld
Principal Teaching Fellow in Ecology and Evolution
University of Southampton

Dr Lisa Fridkin
Lecturer in Psychology, Social Research Institute
University College London

Prof Lloyd Peck
Science Strategy Executive Group
British Antarctic Survey

Dr Lorna Tinworth
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biology
University of Westminster

Prof Luca Börger
Professor of Ecology & Biodiversity, and Co-Director of of the Centre for Biomathematics
Swansea University

Lucia Snyderman
PhD Student
Zoological Society of London

Prof Lucie Middlemiss
Environment and Society
University of Leeds

Dr Lydia Cole
Lecturer, Peatland Ecosystem Management
University of St Andrews

Dr Lynn Bjerke
Senior Scientific Officer
The Institute of Cancer Research

Dr Manuela Gonzalez Suarez
Associate Professor in Ecological Modelling
University of Reading

Dr Marc Redmile-Gordon
Senior Scientist for Soil and Climate Change
Royal Horticultural Society

Prof Mark Fellowes
Professor of Ecology, and Pro-Vice Chancellor
University of Reading

Dr Mark Gush
Head of Environmental Horticulture
Royal Horticultural Society

Prof Mark Maslin
Earth System Science, and Royal Society Industrial Fellowship
University College London

Dr Mark Steer
Associate Professor and Practical Conservation Biologist
UWE Bristol

Prof Martin Attrill
Marine Ecology
University of Plymouth

Dr Matt Nuttall
Senior Scientific Adviser

Dr Matthew Struebig
Conservation Science
University of Kent

Dr Megan McKerchar
Science and Methods Manager
Cool Farm Alliance

Prof Michael Bonsall
Mathematical Biology
University of Oxford

Prof Mike Danson
Professor Emeritus
Heriot-Watt University and University of Strathclyde

Dr Ming-Xi Yang
Chemical Oceanographer - Merit scientist
Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Dr Molly Grace
Lecturer in Ecology and Conservation, and Co-Chair of the IUCN Green Status of Species
University of Oxford

Dr Muhammad Jehanzaib
Research Fellow
Queen's University Belfast

Dr Neil Gostling
Lecturer in Evolution and Palaeobiology
University of Southampton

Prof Neil Harris
Atmospheric Informatics
Cranfield University

Nick Robins
Professor in Practice, Sustainable Finance
Grantham Research Institute, LSE

Dr Oscar Berglund
Senior Lecturer in International Public and Social Policy
University of Bristol

Prof Pat Monaghan
Regius Professor of Zoology, School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine
University of Glasgow

Dr Patrick Lown
Senior Research Fellow
University of Essex

Prof Paul Ekins
Resources and Environmental Policy
University College London

Dr Paul Hatchwell
Climate, Energy, Biodiversity and Environmental Policy Consultant, Editor, Analyst, Writer and Researcher

Dr Paula Gonzalez
Senior Scientist
Met Office

Dr Peter Emmrich
John Innes Foundation Fellow in Sustainable Development and Argiculture
Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development, University of East Anglia

Peter Knapp
Air Quality Researcher
Imperial College London

Prof Peter Smith
Chair in Plant & Soil Science
University of Aberdeen

Prof Peter Somerville
Emeritus Professor of Climate Policy
University of Lincoln

Prof Peter Strachan
Energy Transition & Public Policy
Robert Gordon University

Prof Philip Harris
Emeritus Professor of Physics
University of Sussex

Prof Philip Jones
Professor, and Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society
Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia

Prof Philip Strange
Science Writer, and Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology
University of Reading

Prof Philip Warren
University of Sheffield

Dr Phoebe Carter
Principal Environmental Consultant
Nature Positive

Dr Raghavendra Prasad
Post-doctoral Fellow: Transition to Peat-Free
Royal Horticultural Society

Dr Raphaëlle Haywood
Senior Lecturer in Physics & Astronomy
University of Exeter

Prof Rattan Yadav
Plant Genetics
University of Aberystwyth

Dr Rebekka Artz
Peatland Research Leader
The James Hutton Institute

Dr Rich Grenyer
Associate Professor SOGE, and Paget-Clarke Fellow in Physical Geography
Jesus College, University of Oxford

Richard Ashford
Professor of Parasite and Vector Biology (retired)
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Dr Richard Carmichael
Research Fellow, Centre for Environmental Policy
Imperial College London

Dr Richard Francksen
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader: Zoology
University of Cumbria

Prof Richard Griffiths
Biological Conservation
DICE, University of Kent

Dr Richard Sherley
Senior Lecturer in Marine Vertebrate Ecology, Marine Ecologist and Conservation Biologist
University of Exeter

Prof Robin Hogan
Atmospheric Physics
University of Reading

Prof Roger Butlin
Evolutionary Biology
University of Sheffield and University of Gothenburg

Dr Robyn Wootton
Lecturer in Psychological Science
University of Bristol

Dr Róisín Moriarty
Research Fellow at the Environmental Research Institute
University College of Cork

Prof Rosaleen Duffy
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Sheffield

Dr Rosalie Callway
Visiting Research Associate, and Policy and Project Manager
University of Bristol and The Town and Country Planning Association

Prof Rosie Woodroffe
Senior Research Fellow, Wildlife Management
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London

Dr Ruth Thurstan
Senior Lecturer in Marine Social-Ecological Systems
University of Exeter

Dr Saad Shaikh
Research Fellow in Proton Radiography, Dep. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
University College London

Prof Sally Lowell
Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
University of Edinburgh

Dr Samuel Finnerty
Senior Research Associate
Lancaster University

Dr Sarah Coleman
University of Westminster

Prof Sarah Durant
Research Scientist and Conservation Practitioner
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London

Dr Sarah Hodge
Associate Professor in Biosciences
University of Exeter

Dr Scott Archer-Nicholls
Post-doctoral Researcher, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
University of Cambridge

Dr Scott Hosking
Senior Research Fellow, and Environmental Data Scientist
The Alan Turing Institute, and British Antarctic Survey

Dr Sebastian Dunnett
Senior Programme Officer, Nature Economy
UN Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Prof Simon Cottle
Professor Emeritus, Media and Communication
Cardiff University

Dr Simon Stuart
Chief Scientific Advisor
Synchronicity Earth

Dr Sophie Nedelec
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow, Biosciences
University of Exeter

Dr Sophie Renner
Lecturer in Particle Physics (Physics & Astronomy)
University of Glasgow

Dr Sophus zu Ermgassen
Ecological Economist
University of Oxford

Prof Stephan Harrison
Climate and Environmental Change
University of Exeter

Dr Stephanie Williamson
Ecologist and Staff Scientist
Pesticide Action Network UK

Prof Stephen Ball
Professor of Sociology
University College London

Dr Stewart Jennings
Research Fellow, Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science
University of Leeds

Dr Stuart Campbell
NERC Independent Research Fellow
University of Sheffield

Dr Stuart Capstick
Environmental Social Scientist
Cardiff University

Dr Stuart Parkinson
Executive Director
Scientists for Global Responsibility

Dr Sumedha Basu
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Urban Energy Systems
University of Leeds

Dr Susi Arnott
Filmmaker and Trainer
Walking Pictures

Prof Terence Burke
Molecular Ecology
University of Sheffield

Prof Terence Dawson
Global Environmental Change
King's College London

Prof Thomas Collett
Emeritus Professor of Neurobiology
University of Sussex

Dr Thomas Currie
Evolution of Social Systems & Sustainability
University of Exeter

Dr Tijana Blanusa
Principal Horticultural Scientist
Royal Horticultural Society

Prof Tim Coulson
Head of Department of Biology and Professor of Zoology
University of Oxford

Prof Tim Jickells OBE
Emeritus Professor of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia

Dr Tim Rayner
Research Fellow, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
University of East Anglia

Dr Todd Jones
Advanced Computing for Environmental Sciences
University of Reading

Prof Tom Oliver
Research Dean for Environment and Professor of Applied Ecology
University of Reading

Dr Trevor Dines
Botanist, Conservationist, and Author

Dr Trevor Jones
Wildlife Ecologist and CEO
Southern Tanzania Elephant Program

Dr Tristram Wyatt
Evolutionary Biologist and Emeritus Fellow of Kellogg College
University of Oxford

Prof Vieri Samek-Lodovici
Professor of Linguistics, School of European Languages, Society and Culture
University College London

Dr Viktoria Mileva
Lecturer in Psychology, Social Research Institute
University of Stirling

Dr Viola Ross-Smith
Science Communications Manager
British Trust for Ornithology

Prof Yannick Wurm
Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics
Queen Mary University of London