• 100 Days our new campaign is launching soon →

    Incredible! Our election campaign, The Nation Needs You!, has helped us to reach over 50,000 voters and hundreds of organisations from across the UK who want real change on Climate and Nature – now we are ready for the next stage of our campaign.

    Over the coming weeks we will be updating our websites and launching the next campaign on the road to make the Climate and Nature Bill law – 100 Days.

    With a new Government, a new Parliament, we are continuing to keep the pressure up for science-led, joined-up policy to tackle the Climate and Nature crises.

    Together we CAN!

Event: Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill – A Year Until COP26

Date: Monday 9th November 2020
Time: 18:00 – 19:30 GMT (UK time)

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We stand at a planetary crossroads. In a year’s time the UK will be hosting the crucial 26th UN Climate Change Conference and the UK Government has a duty to show leadership. The CEE Bill proposes a groundbreaking path to reboot current climate and environmental legislation with the best science to date along with deliberative democracy at its heart.

The panel will address crucial ethical and moral questions: How can we act in a globally fair way and thrive in a just society? How can we persuade the Government to adopt the policies in the Bill? What do we need to do to influence the Government and other governments ahead of COP26? What role can citizens play in these processes?

Join our livestream, where you are invited to submit your questions to the panellists.

This event is a chance for anyone, whether you’re an activist, a concerned citizen, or an organisation, to find out more about the CEE Bill, the critical issues it addresses, and how to get involved with the ongoing campaign.

The event will be chaired by Baroness Boycott, Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords and formerly chair of The London Food Board, and includes guest speakers –

  • Caroline Lucas, the Green Party’s first MP,  Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change, a member of Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee
  • Tim Jackson is Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity and Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey. Between 2004 and 2011, Tim was Economics Commissioner on the UK Sustainable Development Commission, where his work culminated in the publication of his groundbreaking book Prosperity without Growth. In 2016, Tim was awarded the Hillary Laureate for exceptional international leadership in sustainability. In addition to his academic work, Tim is an award-winning dramatist.

  • Kate Raworth, an economist, whose Doughnut Economics focuses on making economics fit for the 21st century and co-founder of the Economics Action Lab
  • Kumi Naidoo, life-long social justice campaigner, former ninth Secretary General of Amnesty International and former Executive Director  of Greenpeace International. Kumi’s most recent role has been as a co-founder and interim chair of the pan-African organization, Africans Rising.

We do hope you will join us on this special evening. If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact [email protected]

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