• 100 Days our new campaign is launching soon →

    Incredible! Our election campaign, The Nation Needs You!, has helped us to reach over 50,000 voters and hundreds of organisations from across the UK who want real change on Climate and Nature – now we are ready for the next stage of our campaign.

    Over the coming weeks we will be updating our websites and launching the next campaign on the road to make the Climate and Nature Bill law – 100 Days.

    With a new Government, a new Parliament, we are continuing to keep the pressure up for science-led, joined-up policy to tackle the Climate and Nature crises.

    Together we CAN!

Getting your council on board

Getting your council on board

It takes a national campaign to pass new legislation, and that includes individuals, businesses – and councils! Read on to understand how your local council can help.

250 councils have already passed motions in support of the Climate and Nature Bill. Technically, the Bill is the responsibility of MPs, not councils, but that doesn’t mean they can’t join in the calls for updated climate and nature law.

1) Check whether your council supports the Climate and Nature Bill

Head to our allies page and check your council isn’t already supporting here. Remember: even if one level of local government (for example, your town or parish council) backs the Bill, another level (district, borough or county council) may not have passed a motion.

2) Find your local councillors

You can find out who your local councillors are using the website WriteToThem.com.

3) Contact your local council

Write to your local councillors using the resources listed below.

We’ve included a template letter that you might like to adapt for your purposes. And you can even include a draft notice of motion. Providing the wording in this way makes it clearer what we are asking of the council, and does some of their work for them, making it one less hurdle to get over. Finally, we’ve also provided a draft press release that you can send to local media outlets to publicise the passing of the motion.


Urgent Appeal
The first 100 Days are vital! Help us make sure Climate and Nature are on the new UK Gov's agenda, chip in today
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