Isn’t the UK already addressing the climate crisis?

Isn’t the UK already addressing the climate crisis?

The UK has taken more action than many countries, but far from enough to stop catastrophic warming. But the UK’s climate targets (‘carbon budgets’) are out of date and fall a long way short of what’s needed to limit warming to 1.5°C.

After being taken to court for its inadequate climate plans, the UK Government issued a large batch of new policy documents on 30th March 2023. On the face of it, these new policies would close the delivery gap, with Government projections now showing emissions falling broadly in line with the UK’s targets (which are inadequate). However, listening to the experts it is clear that the Government’s new projections are unrealistic, with reliance placed on hugely expensive fossil fuel technology and nuclear power – which scientists say cannot deliver the benefits claimed.

Unfortunately the much heralded closure of the ‘Delivery Gap’ now looks like an illusion.

The new plan does little to accelerate the development of cheap clean renewable energy or to save the enormous waste of energy through our old leaky housing stock. Instead it involves handing £ billions to oil industry carbon capture and blue hydrogen projects, which scientists say are not capable of delivering the emissions reductions their lobbyist advocates claim, and locking into incredibly high prices for nuclear power, which will take far too long to develop.

And the Ambition Gap remains – the difference between the UK’s climate targets and what’s really necessary to limit warming to 1.5°C.

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