Young campaigners call on the Lords: “Give us a liveable future!”

Dear all Members of the House of Lords—we, the undersigned—as representatives of younger citizens across the UK nations, and on behalf of future generations—ask you to support the Climate and Nature Bill as it progresses through the UK Parliament

We note the stark warning contained in the UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy that “if we fail to limit global warming to 1.5°C, we risk reaching climatic tipping points, and losing control of our climate for good.”

We welcome the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature, signed by the Prime Minister, which states that—if we fail to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030—we increase the risk of further pandemics, rising global temperatures and loss of species. But we need to see this promise locked into legislation so that the UK can lead the way ahead of COP15.

We agree with statements made by politicians of all parties that we must go further and that the success in building a ‘nature positive’ and zero carbon country will depend on the engagement and support of people of all ages—since we should all have a say in how we shape the shared future we want to see.

A recent study found that two thirds of young people feel that governments are failing them when it comes to climate change and the breakdown of nature. We know that many politicians are working hard to defend our futures, but unfortunately many younger citizens feel ignored by those in power.

We call on you to tackle these critical risks to the wellbeing of current and future generations by supporting the passage of the Climate and Nature Bill, which is currently before the House of Lords, which will:

1. fulfil our fair share of emissions reductions to ensure that the average global temperature increase does not exceed 1.5°C,

2. halt and reverse nature loss by 2030, and

3. involve the public in creating a plan to find the fairest way forward.

We ask you to support the Bill and lend your voice to our campaign for stronger environmental legislation that will give us the best chance of securing a liveable future.

Yours sincerely,

Elijah McKenzie-Jackson (Environmental activist and Youth Advisor, Surfers Against Sewage)

Rhiane Fatinikun (Founder, Black Girls Hike UK)

Clover Hogan (Executive Director, Force Of Nature)

Dominique Palmer (Youth climate justice activist, Climate Live)

Talia Goldman (Co-Director, UK Youth For Nature)

Nyeleti Brauer-Maxaeia (Co-Founder, Choked Up)

Elouise Mayall (Community Working Group, UK Youth Climate Coalition)

Rosie Crowther (Associate Director, A Focus on Nature)

Amy Randles (Coordinator, Students for Global Health)

Camille Libby (Student Member, UK Schools Sustainability Network)

Mia Clement (President, Climate Society, Oxford University)

Natasha Barnes (UN Association Climate and Oceans activist)

Iris Zhan (Co-Founder, Fridays for Future Digital)

Nell Miles (Coordinator, Pledge For Our Future)

Alex Kent (Co-CEO, Restless Development)

Fergus Ustianowski (Campaigns Officer, Young Liberals UK)

Luned-Mair Barratt (Co-Chair, Plaid Ifanc)

Luke Patterson (Chair, Alliance Youth)

Cllr Tyler Wilson (Executive Member, Yorkshire Party)

Mehajabeen Farid (Co-Chair, Climate and Health Working Group, Students for Global Health)

Josephine Farrar (Founder, Earth Action Club)

Carrie Cort (Founder, Sussex Green Living)

Connie Muir (Founder, Croydon Community Energy)

Emma Turner (Founder, Create The Future)

Oscar Mitcham (Founder, Climate Soup)

Naseef Ahammed (Director, Muslims Declare)

Edward Deedigan (Director, Kandu Arts for Sustainable Development)

Aki Nakano (University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins)

Amit Singh (Organiser, Health for a Green New Deal)

Andrew Fox (Youth Worker, Community of Christ Peacemakers)

Anusha Roy (Student Member, London Schools Eco Network)

Billy Knowels (Director, Youth Environment Service)

Gemma Madle (Director, WAM Youth Gloucestershire)

Lou Sykes (Creative Director, A Focus on Nature)

Brandon Ham (Communications Officer, Plaid Ifanc)

Bryony Reynolds (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Cherry Tucker (Member, Youth For Climate Leeds)

Charlotte Wilson (Student Member, UK Schools Sustainability Network)

Daniel Rockman (Campaigner, Zero Hour London)

Chloe Sutton (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Elise Williamson (Producer, Wiltshire Creative)

Ellen Bradley (Organising Team Member, UK Youth For Nature)

Ellie Kinney (Climate campaigner)

Emily Elms (Student Member, UK Schools Sustainability Network)

Emily Marsay (Campaigner, UK Youth Climate Coalition)

Enock Fotazou Seguy (Coordinator, Sustainable Rural Development Association)

Fazeela Mubarak (Local Lead, Fridays for Future Kenya)

George Rabin (Secretary, Ornithological Society, Oxford University)

Georgia Norbury (Assistant, Wiltshire Creative)

Gwion Rhisiart (Secretary, Plaid Ifanc)

Hannah Barratt (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Heather McKay (Youth environment campaigner)

Hazel Surtees (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Holly Everett (Education Manager, Reboot The Future)

Imogen Sylph (Campaigner, Zero Hour London)

Indigo Rosen-Hunt (Trustee, The Great Imagining)

Jake Backus (Officer, Oxfordshire Youth Cycling)

Jo Wilkinson (Senior Project Manager, Hedgehog Friendly Campus)

John Hobby (Researcher, Intergenerational Foundation)

Josephine Billany (Analyst, Junxion)

Joshua Declan McCarthy (Campaigns Officer, Plaid Ifanc)

Joyce Cowan (Campaigner, Zero Hour Dulwich)

Katherine Linsley (Coordinator, Croydon Climate Action)

Mahnoor Kamran (Mentor, Bright Green Future)

Mia Haroon (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Millie Cook (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Niharika Manu (Coordinator, Zero Hour Birmingham)

Nor Staines Shaw (Group Member, Oxford Youth Strike For Climate Justice)

Olesja Borouhhina (Alumni Network Member, Bright Green Future)

Rebecca Farrar (Campaigner, Zero Hour London)

Rianka Gill (Organiser, Climate Live)

Saba Yasin (Climate Action Lead, Islamic Help)

Sally Fereday (Risk Manager, NHS)

Stephanie Lynch (Youth Participation Officer, Groundwork Youth)

Stephen Hyde (Campaigner, Zero Hour Nottingham)

Taras Bains (Projects Officer, Nature Conservation Society, Oxford University)

Tolmeia Gregory (Climate justice activist)

Vasily Vanifatov (Student Member, UK Schools Sustainability Network)

Wagde Al-Qadasi (Youth Ambassador, International Youth Council)

Students Organising for Sustainability UK

Climate Justice Movement, University of Birmingham

Fridays for Future Digital

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