Operation Noah Back the CEE Bill

Support for the revolutionary CEE Bill continues and our Alliance is growing at incredible speed.

We now have a long list of inspiring partner organisations under our belt, all doing tremendous work to evoke powerful change. One of our newest supporters is Operation Noah.

Set up in 2004 with the aim of providing a Christian response to the climate crisis, Operation Noah is founded on an inspiring combination of the latest science, balanced by faith in God and hope for a better world. The premise behind their work is based on the belief that God’s creation is a gift, therefore we have a duty of care towards the earth and to halt runaway global warming.

Operation Noah tackles big questions such as how Christian values relate to climate change. To do this, they utilise a mixture of campaigning, theology, and prayer, alongside creating and distributing useful resources. Operation Noah believes the Church should take a stronger stance on promoting climate justice and to encourage this, they launched the Bright Now Campaign, which encourages churches to divest from fossil fuels; they were also the first organisation to suggest what has become the Climate Sunday campaign. This is an initiative encouraging congregations to make commitments to greater action in addressing climate change in their community, and to raise their voice to urge bolder action by governments. Sound familiar? Here at the CEE Bill Alliance we also strive to encourage people to utilise their voices and rise up against climate change. We asked Operation Noah why they joined the CEE Bill Alliance, and they told us:

‘The CEE Bill fits well with Operation Noah’s strapline: faith-motivated, science-informed and hope-inspired. The Bill describes what a moral and science-based response to the climate and ecological emergency would look like. Having this vision of a just and safe future gives us something to hope, pray and work for.’

Through campaigning, Operation Noah has encouraged UK churches to pledge to divest from fossil fuels and invest in sustainable alternatives. They have lobbied the Church of England, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church to name a few, and there have been a number of successes. Quakers in Britain, the Church of Ireland and the United Reformed Church have fully divested from fossil fuels. What is more, their 2012 document, Climate change and the purposes of God: a call to the Church  was signed by leading church figures, including the then Archbishop of Canterbury. As well as campaigning, Operation Noah holds strong partnerships with institutions such as the Climate Coalition, 350.org and People & Planet.

On top of all this, Operation Noah is dedicated to providing practical assistance and resources to equip churches with the tools to join the movement against the Climate-Nature Emergency – ranging from liturgical and theological materials to briefings on climate science.

At the CEE Bill Alliance, we are privileged to associate ourselves with charities like Operation Noah, who are so dedicated to this vital cause. It is clear from a brief look at their achievements that this charity has been hugely successful in raising awareness of the climate emergency and equipping people with the necessary tools to take a stand. To keep up to date with the fantastic work they are doing, sign up for the Operation Noah newsletter here.

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