Origami Action
for Nature

It’s time to get your craft on to help save our natural world

Origami Action

It’s time to get your craft on to help save our natural world!

Paper artist, Tina Luo, has created three, bespoke origami designs of species that are at risk of extinction: the Common Nightingale, the Red Helleborine orchid, and the Northern Pool Frog.

Will you make an origami species—and send it to your MP today?

Shockingly, the UK is one of the most nature-depleted places in the world. Our beloved species and habitats are in danger. Nature isn’t just a ‘nice to have’. It’s all we have. We need healthy ecosystems for our food security, and to combat the worst impacts of climate change.

Zero Hour campaigners across the UK nations have been standing United for Nature, calling on the Prime Minister to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 (the Climate & Nature Bill’s nature target). Now, let’s ask our MPs to do the same. No more paper thin promises. Will your MP commit to restoring nature by backing the Climate & Nature Bill?

Scroll down for information on how to make the origami including downloadable written instructions and video guides presented by Tina.


Supported by The Co-operative Bank

Supported by The Co-operative Bank

Let's Get Crafting

What you’ll need:

  • 15cm square paper (standard origami paper size)*
  • Glue (if you’re making the Red Helleborine orchid)
  • Envelope and stamp
  • Pen

For the square paper: Cut a piece of A4 paper in half (to A5 size) and fold the corner to the edge, cutting off the excess to make it square. Size is only a guideline and is fine if not exact.

Note: If making the Red Helleborine orchid with a stem, you will need: 7.5 cm square paper (x2) and 3.75 x 15 cm strip of paper (for the stem).

Step 1

Pick any of the species below and have a go at making it in origami. Use recycled paper, such as old magazines or notebooks. Just make sure it’s not an unpaid bill or contains any top secret information! This is good for the environment and will make each paper species original.

Step 2

Once you’ve made your species, take a photo of it. This could be in your favourite nature spot, a close up on your hand, or wherever you like!

Share it on social media using the tips below—or send us your photo at [email protected] and we’ll share it for you. Let us know your first name and where you are based, if you are happy for us to include this information.

If you do share via your own social media, be sure to tag us:

Twitter: @canbill_now

Instagram: @canbill_now

And use the hashtag:


Step 3

Finally, be sure to post your species to your local MP (find who yours is here).

Add a little message via a card or a letter, calling on them to back the CAN Bill (you can check if they already support it, here). Send your species and short note to this address:

House of Commons

In your message, you could say something like:

*Be sure to include your postcode so they know you’re their constituent.

House of Commons

Dear {MPs NAME},

I am sending you this origami {Nightingale / Northern Pool Frog / Red Helleborine Orchid} as a reminder of the key species in our nation that are in peril.

Thousands of people are calling on politicians to take action. We don’t want any more paper thin promises, we want action to reverse nature’s destruction, now.

Will you back the environmental plan, proposed by the Climate & Nature Bill, to set our natural world on the road to recovery by 2030—and to stop the destruction of nature that the UK causes around the world?

Would you write to [email protected] to let the Zero Hour campaign know if you will support the Climate & Nature Bill? As your constituent, I urge you to do so.

Yours sincerely,

{Your Name Here}
{Your Address & Postcode Here}

Significance of our species

The 3 species represent some of the UK’s most endangered species. Though they’re commonly found on mainland Europe, they encapsulate how far UK nature has fallen, and why we need action to help them thrive once again. More information on each species can be found on the written instructions.

About Tina Luo

Specialising in model-making and designing with paper, Tina hand-makes her sculptural origami pieces as a response to her perspective of nature. Take a look at Tina’s work at storyigami.com — where you can also purchase her handmade paper origami earrings — and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


Here is a full list of all the resources contained on this page to help you create the most beautiful origami.

Common Nightingale
Written Instructions →
Video Guide →

Red Helleborine Orchid
Written Instructions →
Video Guide →

Northern Pool Frog
Written Instructions →
Video Guide →

Need Help?

If you need help you can reach out to our team by email at [email protected] or get in touch with us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook too.