• 100 Days our new campaign is launching soon →

    Incredible! Our election campaign, The Nation Needs You!, has helped us to reach over 50,000 voters and hundreds of organisations from across the UK who want real change on Climate and Nature – now we are ready for the next stage of our campaign.

    Over the coming weeks we will be updating our websites and launching the next campaign on the road to make the Climate and Nature Bill law – 100 Days.

    With a new Government, a new Parliament, we are continuing to keep the pressure up for science-led, joined-up policy to tackle the Climate and Nature crises.

    Together we CAN!

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall stands #United for Nature

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has publicly weighed in with full support for Zero Hour’s #UnitedForNature campaign!

Chef, celebrity and champion for the environment, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has announced he backs our campaign that calls on the UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, to set a new, strong and legally-binding target to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030.

In a video, released on Zero Hour’s site, here, on 16 December, Hugh is clear about the need for urgent action, stating:

“Across our beloved British countryside, in our towns and in our cities, nature is degrading fast. Far from being a green and pleasant land, shockingly, the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.

We need to send the UK Government a clear signal that nature restoration must happen⁠—and must happen now. If we can stand united for nature, working to bring about real change, all is not lost.

We’re calling on the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, to set a new, strong, and legally-binding nature target to reverse nature loss by 2030.

Help us send a powerful message to the Prime Minister—a message he can’t ignore.

Please sign Zero Hour’s United For Nature petition today—and together—we can put nature on the path to recovery.”

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Urgent Appeal
The first 100 Days are vital! Help us make sure Climate and Nature are on the new UK Gov's agenda, chip in today
£4,877 Donated